Conduct of National Workshop Balochistan is a way to promote cognizance of various stakeholders’ role and foster national spirit. It steers efforts towards prosperity, institutional development , to help eradicate internal ethnic/ social fissures and sustain the initiatives for improvement in Balochistan. It also helps to create an atmosphere of understanding between people belonging to different professions, culture and background and in addition creates a platform where exchange of experiences, ideas takes place.
history, objective and overview
since 2019
Less vacancies used to be allotted to Balochistan at National security workshop in National Defense University, Islamabad. Therefore exclusive workshop for Balochistan (NSWBs) was introduced in 2017 by Government of Balochistan.
Shun misperceptions by candid discourse to dispel negative image with respect to institutions Pragmatic analysis of Balochistan; cognizance of missed opportunities & governance issues Help members to renounce inhibitions & evade deprivation syndrome Incite prudent thoughts in current & potential leadership Introduction to selective geo-politics, economics and national policies' formulation processes Groom participants as better informed & effective members of society Further strengthen civil - military relations.
Pakistan faces wide ranging spectrum of challenges; from conventional to hybrid/ grey hybrid zones requiring: whole of the nation approach” for effective response. Conduct of national workshop Balochistan is a way to promote cognizance of various stakeholders’ role and foster national spirit. It steers efforts toward property, institutional development of potent responsive provincial framework, eradicate internal ethnic/ social fissures and sustain the initiatives for improvement in Balochistan. Also helps to create an atmosphere of understanding between people belonging to different professions, culture and background.
- – Pragmatic analysis of Balochistan.
- – Shun misperceptions by candid discourse.
- – Help members to renounce inhibitions & evade deprivation syndrome.
- – Incite prudent thoughts in current & potential leadership.
- – Introduction to national policies’ formulation processes.
- – Groom participants as better informed & effective members of society.